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Dr. Piotr Slomka

University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Piotr Slomka is currently a Professor of Medicine and Cardiology UCLA, as well as the Director of Innovation & Imaging Cedars Sinai.

He is also the director of his lab “Slomka Laboratory” which focuses on developing innovative methods for fully automated analysis of nuclear cardiology data using novel algorithms and machine learning techniques, and on the development of integrated motion-corrected analysis of positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) angiography imaging.

The Slomka Laboratory is affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Division of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Medicine, the Department of Cardiology and the Quantitative Diagnostic Software Group (QUAD).
His breakthrough research areas include:
- Quantitative Prediction of Disease and Outcomes from Next Generation SPECT and CT
- Integrated Analysis of Coronary Anatomy and Biology Using 18F-Fluoride PET and CT Angiography

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